Adaptations Chemicals Forces Genetics Earth Electricity Timeline 
Home Jnr Science Biology
Year 8


There are two methods to creating salts. Adding a metal to a strong acid, or adding a base to an acid. Both methods produce salt, however with different by-products.


Step 1

Pour 15 mL of Sulphuric Acid into the beaker. Use a pipette to do this.

Step 2

Use the spatula to add in copper oxide powder. Start stirring the copper oxide. Continue to add copper oxide until you can’t diffuse any more into the acid.

You have now made Copper Sulphate.

Step 3

Set up the filter paper inside the funnel. Pour the Copper Sulphate solution through the funnel into the conical flask.

This will get rid of any left over copper oxide piece.

Step 4

Pour the copper sulphate from the conical flask to the evaporating dish.

Step 5

Set up the Bunsen burner, tripod and gauze mat as in the picture to the left.

Place the evaporating dish on the gauze mat and let it sit.

Wait for ½ the liquid to evaporate, then turn off the Bunsen burner.

This process will take some time, so while your waiting answer the questions bellow.

What you will eventually end up with are small salt crystals formed at the bottom of the evaporating dish.


1. What is an acid

2. What do we use to determine the pH of something?

3. List 3 metals. Use their chemical symbol as well as their elemental name?

4. What Element do all acids have in common?

5. What is by-product of mixing metals and acids to create salts?

6. What is a by-product of mixing acids and bases to create salts?

7. The chemical equation for Sulphuric acid is H2SO4. How many Hydrogen, Sulphur and Oxygen molecules are there?

8. In the experiment above we are mixing sulphuric acid with copper oxide. What are the 2 things formed from this reaction?

9.  Look At the image bellow. Here we see copper oxide reacting with sulphuric Acid. This creates Copper sulphate and water.

During this practical you will be using Strong acids and Bunsen burners. Ensure you wear safety glasses at all times, until you are told to remove them.

Make sure your hair is tied back and ties are removed.

   Draw and complete the chemical reactions for

      a. Sodium (Na) + Hydrochloric acid (HCl) →_________ _______ + ____

      b. Zinc (Zn) + Hydrochloric acid (HCl) → _________ ________ + _____

      c. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)+ Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) = _______ ________ + ________

      d. Zinc oxide (ZnO) + Nitric acid (HNO3) → __________ ________ + ___________

      e. Copper Oxide (CuO) + Nitric acid (HNO3) → __________ ________ + ___________

10. Fill in the missing areas.

    a. Zinc Oxide + __________ ____ → ______ Chloride + _______

    b. _______ Oxide + _______  ____→ Magnesium nitrate + ______

    c. ________ Oxide + _______ ______ →Copper sulphate + _______

    d. Iron + _______ acid → _____ Chloride + _______

    e. ________ + Sulphuric acid →Aluminium ______ + ______

11. Define the term Displacement.

However, if you evaporate it too fast, the crystals won’t have time to form and you’ll end up with small sand like crystals